Monday 24 November 2014

Yellow Jumpers, Yellow Leaves ♥

More and more leaves are beginning to turn yellow, so why not wear a jumper to represent it? As its starting to get colder theres no way you can go out without a jacket (but I'm slyly getting away with it - well for now anyway). I love this yellow jumper I got because its perfect for Autumn. I also have a deep purple lipstick I pair it with that looks absolutely amazing on and goes so well with the colour of the jumper!

Jumper - H&M
Jeans - Primark (ripped by me)
Bag - H&M

Ok so lets talk about my jeans. Ripped jeans are slowly becoming a thing, a very big thing. I have wanted a pair for ages so one day on one of my many window shops, I decided to walk into Topshop to purchase a pair. When I walked in and looked at the price tag I did a u-turn lol. £40 plus! No offence to Topshop because I love them so much, but £40 when you're a broke student like myself (this was in the summer so no student loan had come in and my bank account was as dry as the Sahara desert) is not allowed. So an idea came to me - I just went to Primark, brought a pair for £7 and ripped them myself with the assistance of youtube and my younger sister! Best decision I have ever made. If you have time like I did, defo take the opportunity!

But everyone clap for me for how quickly I've posted since last time! I'm slowly managing how I can combine Uni, life and blogging! Have a lovely week my loves! xoxo.

Rashida ♥


  1. thank you for following my blog!
    lovely outfit!

  2. beautiful!

  3. I have the same yellow jumper! Lovely! ;-)


  4. Beautiful dear! I love your bag! :-)
